So I skipped yesterday's blog because I have been getting up at 4 A.M. to go workout and I ended up going to an early screening of The Fault in Our Stars (I will blog about that later!) so I was exhausted when I got home.
Yesterday, was a little irritating sitting at the movie theater waiting to go see the movie (you have to arrive 1-2 hours prior to the movie showing time to have the best possibility of getting a seat!). I wanted popcorn drenched in yummy fake butter, Reeses Pieces, a coke Icee and a pickle. I however just kept snacking on my cherub tomatoes.
Anyway here we are today- I have made it to day three on the full cleanse and have yet to "cheat"! Today has probably been the worst of the days. I forgot to freeze my blueberries so I did day 4's smoothie. I was not impressed. I believe it's the raspberries that give it that awful weird taste- but I powered through it. I have snacked more today eating 1/2 banana, a few teaspoons of organic natural (sugar and salt free) peanut butter, a boiled egg, carrots, cherub tomatoes, and cucumbers with apple cider vinegar. Oh and I had a "Popsicle" that I had made with leftover smoothie from day 1.
I am tired but I don't know if that has to do with the calorie deficiency, the smoothies or just plain detox.
I weighed today and I have lost 7 pounds so far- which I am sure is mostly water weight but I'll take what I can get :)
See ya'll tomorrow!