You probably don't care about that you just wanna know how the first day went-
I woke up at
I did 40 minutes on the ARC trainer (this machine is amazing and burns lots of calories- plus works my glutes!)
I haven't "cheated" once (and I am so exhausted that I will go to bed here shortly- so no room to cheat!).
I don't have the normal "diet" pains or rather lack of sugar pains that I normally go through when I start counting calories
I drank well over 80 oz of water today!
The headache I got just after noon
The texture of my smoothie at first was driving me insane and I almost threw up while drinking it.
The detox tea is not my thing
I am craving "real" food however, I ended up eating my allowed two boiled eggs around dinner time (since I finished my smoothies) for substance so that is more of a positive I guess.
Now that being all said it hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be. I even made my family pork chops for dinner and didn't even try and taste test ANYTHING!
Since I don't own a fancy blender, I realized after having nasty apple skin chunks getting between my teeth (told you it was gross!) that I just gotta let the stuff blend for awhile. Let it blend and keep on blending until it is super smooth- then I added ice because I was using fresh fruits.
If you are going to use fresh fruit I would freeze them so it's not such a watery consistency.
*Disclaimer: I bought the book on my own and you should always check with your doctor before starting any cleanse program*

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