Last year, we went to Arizona for 10 days, including 2 days of straight driving. We went with my dad and brother- let me just say 10 days with that much testosterone is probably 2-4 days too many :) Anyway we had a great time, went to the Grand Canyon, two zoos, and a few museums.
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Here we are at the Grand Canyon- My brother, The Husband (and his ridiculous hat), the "Turd Monkeys" and of course myself in all my scared sh*tless glory. |
Let me just say really quickly, I am afraid of heights. I was there for the picture and wanted to get up as quickly as possible, forget saving my children I wanted to get off that rock ASAP. My hands were sweating the whole nine yards.
That being said, we are leaving for the Florida Keys in two weeks for a 6 day vacation- where we plan on Parasailing. Yes, you read that correctly. After my whole fear of heights, I promised the turd monkeys I would parasail with them. What can I say? I am a sucker for little boys with long eyelashes (both Turd Monkeys inherited this trait from The Husband) and pretty pretty pleases.
I will blog about our vacation and hopefully- I will also VLOG about it as well. Yes- I said VLOG you will get to see me in all my chubby (curvy?) glory :)
The point? Yes, I know you probably read these blogs and say what is the freaking point to this, Carrie? What is it? Oh yes, it was to tell you I'm going on vacation and I will review restaurants, locations, and hotels we are staying at. Along with other random info on what activities the turd monkey's enjoyed, what they hated (let's be realistic, kids aren't going to be 100% happy on vacation- at least one disaster is bound to happen), and what I liked and didn't like and how much The Husband annoyed me ;)
Thanks for reading ya'll!
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